Sunday, 22 December 2013

A Time For Giving CT Blogtrain with lots of freebies

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and "A Time For Giving". 

We, as the creative team of Ilonka's Scrapbook Designs, are proud to present you "A Time For Giving CT Blogtrain" with lots of wonderful gifts.

To collect all the wonderful gifts, all you have to do is follow the blogs using the bloglist below and download our gifts.

The Creative Team of Ilonka's Scrapbook Designs and Ilonka herself are wishing you wonderful Christmas and Scraptastic New Year.

I would like to offer this wonderful gift, I hope you will enjoy it.


Thank you for downloading.

You can now click on the first link in this bloglist to find out what the next gift will be.


  1. Thank you for this beautiful QP

  2. Очень красивый набор !!! Помогите ,пожалуйста , скачать-загрузка не идет-захожу в разное время.

  3. Ни одна ссылка из этого bloglist не работает - помогите,пожалуйста!!!

    1. stranno no u menya idet vse... poprobuite eshe raz!!!
